Sunday, June 19, 2016

5 rules that will help you to decide which indexes to create


Here are 5 rules that will definitely help you to decide which indexes to create!

Rules number #1
If your record retrievals are based on one field at a time, for example dept = 'A112' , create an index on these fields.
Rules number #2
If your record retrievals are based on a combination of fields, look at the combinations.

Rules number #3
If the comparison operator is OR (for example, DEPT = 'A112' OR HIRE_DATE > {07/03/94}), an index does not help performance. Therefore, you need not create one.

Rules number #4
If the retrieval conditions contain both AND and OR comparison operators, you can use an index if the OR conditions are grouped. 
dept = 'A112' AND (hire_date > {07/03/94} OR exempt = 1) In this case, an index on the DEPT field improves performance. 

Rules number #5
If the AND conditions are grouped, an index does not improve performance. 
(dept = 'A112' AND hire_date) > {07/03/94}) OR exempt = 1
