Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How to create release in git in SourceTree (Window) (Mac)


1. First of all, make sure that `master` branch and `develop` branch in the same branch. (All you have to do is just merge the develop into the master and it will be in the same level)

(If no `master` brunch just double click the `remote/master` branch to create a local branch OR
 follow the link to put the master here)

2. Now make sure that you in `master` branch.
3. Click Git Flow in the GUI.
4. Click `Create New Release`
5. Enter release name. For example: and click OK. (A new branch is created.)
6. You should see uncommited changes. Commit the Changes.
7. Click `Git Flow` again to complete the release
8. DONE :)

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